In doing so, I came across the Wikipedia page about the air travel disruption that is looking to summarize what's happening where. V. useful. I did find it worrying though that the page had the year in its title. When World War I was taking place, it was called The Great War to End All Wars. Patently the original page developer believes that this scene is all set to be reenacted sometime in the future...
I also came across the Lonely Planet article that gives tongue in cheek advice to those in one of three situations: stuck in Europe, stuck at home waiting to go to (or through) Europe or (worst of all) stuck in an airport/transit hub.

Quelle Mauvais Voyage!
Travel Tip: Car pooling has suddenly become popular and sites like Hitchhikers, LiftShare, RoadSharing and Sharling have all taken off as flights haven't. And if you need a room? Try CouchSurfing or The Hospitality Club. Good luck!
Все всегда создается только тогда, когда возникает необходимость, так и путеводителями тоже, не надо было - не создавали, понадобилось - поцесс пошел. И так всегда, к сожалению
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