05 May 2010

Closing down

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Well in my case, it's not a road to hell that's stopping me from continuing this blog, but rather the road to Europe.  Work is transferring me and as a result, I won't be traveling much around Asia, and hopefully much anywhere!

Thank you for following me and for reading my random posts and hopefully in the not-too-distant future, I'll be able to start blogging details of a hobby rather than salvaged moments from work trips.  If anyone tells you that they enjoy traveling for their job, they have lovely colleagues and great deal of luck.  Most trips see you inside a foreign airport, a chain hotel and the inside of an office and away from loved ones.

I hope your trips are like mine--the former rather than the latter.

And the reason for leaving?  I'm back off home to Blighty!  Wish me luck.

Au revoir!

P.S. For some unknown reason, I still keep getting visitors to this site.  Thank you Sweets!  So in an attempt to stay in touch with you all, please see my blog Entertain Easily.  It's quite different, but shows the change in my life from traveling constantly to being closer to my family, old friends (tenure over age) and buying a house in which I can host happily!

1 comment:

Samsun çilingir said...

Siteniz cok guzel basarilarinizin devamini bekleriz